

when we first started to look at thrillers we were looking examples like American psycho, and the saw series, we looked at the codes and conventions of the film and started to look at the the opening two minute sequence of our film. while watching the films we noted down different shots and angles in what the films used to create the tense atmosphere. we then went on to look a ideas, in which we thought of opening sequences, of many types of thriller/horrors. after reviewing ideas we decided on the finial piece in which we chose because it was easier to film due to the facilities and actors. ( our finial idea is in our 2 min synopsis)

target auidence: we are aim to make our movie a 16 as we can aim our movie at a much larager range of audience, we aim to target genral movie goers in which, we can diliver a currput, thriller flim.we have done audience to see what kind of movies people like to see to establish our audience.

context: the product will be seen with in the cinema to maximise revenue, as we'll be doing the 2 min extraxt to the flim we'll be making it and posting on youtube to get audience attension.
media concepts:
conventions- we will be using the typical close up and canted camera work to get the feel of a thriller across to the audience. Ass well as this i will also be use different angles to create a sence of vulnerablility of the character and also to show the power of another.
institutions-we will be using mitrix flims and lions gate flim to be the distributor as they have built a dependable reputation. and they can diliver to a larage mass audience. our phwilla productions (our team) will be making the flim.

Representation- will will be using sterotypical views of people inenhave the realism of the character and the the setting, which is a typical convention of thriller flims. and stick to the typical conventions of genre to add to the realism of the flim to add to the belivability of the flim.


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do you think the name of our thriller is suitable after reading the script

do you think by looking at he script, that our flim is a justibile thriller
