textual analysis

taken is an exapmle of a thriller with sub-genres of action, crime and drama. The film that was directed pierre moral and written by Luc Besson Mark Kamen, use clasic convention of a thriller, for example close-up's hide to surrounding because of the conventions used. we decided to use a contextual analysis one this film.
our main character is protrayed by the directer as highly skilled CIA activities division officer bryan mills. in the film the director poiryays to the audience that his teenage daughter whos travels to paris and get's captured by people. Because of this signigicant event the film is entitled taken. As our main protagonist uses his skills and experience that he learnt throught the feild of work to search and track down his daughter and the kidnappereds. he does this through recoding conversation with his daughter. the films action is based on the battle with the people that have taken his daughter. eventually he finds his daughter being used for a protitute and work for a "pimp". as the story progresses we see how the protaganist contiunes his combat in to persuing to get his daughter back, and we see that the kiddnappers try to hold his daughter agaist her will and keep her away from him.
The film has an element of suspence as the director shows us the audience many clues and answers to questions that would have been asked withen the film, by the audience. this literally gives the audience an affect that a pantomine has. For example if the protaganist is walking is in a wrong direction or into danger, the audience (in a pattomine) would be say noo go the other way, because they know something that the protaginist doesnt know. this dramtic ironay create the sence that the audience is in control and can fore see what is going to happen so when something happens that is unexpected it scares the audience. another aspect used was an enigma. A enigma was created around the character form the begining of the film as he spoke to the daughter kidnappers, he states " i have a various set of skills that i have acquired from a long carrer" as the film progresses we find out that the skills that the protaganist speaks about are later on reveled when he used the forensic element to locate his daughter. by doing this the director portrays a complete history of the character and make the audience see that the protaginist is clearly smarter than most people.
The director portrays our protaganist as some one that the audience can relate to, as there are a number of defining aspect to him. for example he has a daughter that is now lost, he is divorced from his daughter mother and very lonely. the audience also synthesize with our protagnisist, when he goes to the daughters party were he is shown to be not wanted. another one of the main character "kim" we find out that she is loving to towards her dad but also screative as she lies about where she is going. Becuse of the age of this girl the yoinger audience could easily identify with this character, a rebel girl who often lies about where she is going. also this can relate to people who have lived with there parents split up as the character has to live with the hard life as the parents have seperated.
Through out the film we see as the tension and suspence rise through the medium of music. As in most thrillers the music is a massive tool in building tension to the movie and calming down to reduce the tension from the film. an exapmple where music is used to add tension is where bryan kicked down each door and sees a dying prostitute, this leave the audience in awe at the protitiue and and the edge of their seats, wondering if he will kick down the door and see his daughter there. as he doest find his aughter behind any of the doors this leads the audinence to have an anti-climax, in which the audience have to keep guessing and have to work out an altenative soultion to the protagansit situation. thriller are almost infamous in that they use anit climax's to keep the audience guessing to the end. by doing this they create another enigma. "is the character in question dead or alive" but we dont find out untill the end if the film.
In conclusion i can say that the film fit's perfectly in to the catorgory of a thriller, and sub-genre of crime. The director uses classic codes and conventions of a typical thriller, like the twists and dramtic irony to create a very convising thriller movie.

scream, from the very begining of the movie, sound is present. the movie starts out right away with creepy music in the background, as we see the film start.it is followed by a rumble, as if several doors are bein closed shut. while the errie music is still going the title of the movie is streached out and comes back together with a loaud crash. the feeling of the movie suddenly changesby the phone ringing the ring of the phone cuts out sll other sounds for example the heart beat and the erry music by doing this the director is playing on the audiences other sences other than just sight. another example of sound being used is when Casy begins to flirt with the anonymous man; she lies and tells th caller that she doesn'y have a boyfriend. by doing this the film fits the classic codes and conventions of
popular horror movies b y using "naive teenagers". thers athe feeling that something bad is going to happen. when the viewer realises that this call is not a silly prank call, as the movie continues the tension is getting built up and he slowly building the character to get scared. when casy is being chased by the killer, she goes outside and the viewer can hear is her breathing is fast , full of gasps and sobs. this again creates more tension. the director has also used canted camera alot to give the effect that somethingis going to go wrong in the scences.

do you think the name of our thriller is suitable after reading the script

do you think by looking at he script, that our flim is a justibile thriller
